CCSW 2022: The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop
in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)

November 7
Los Angeles, USA

dates | submission info | registration | speakers | program | organizers


Clouds and massive-scale computing infrastructures are dominating computing and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Major cloud operators are now comprising millions of cores hosting substantial fractions of corporate and government IT infrastructure. CCSW is the world's premier forum bringing together researchers and practitioners in all security aspects of cloud-centric and outsourced computing, including:

  • Side-channel attacks
  • Cryptographic protocols for cloud security
  • Secure cloud resource virtualization mechanisms
  • Secure data management outsourcing (e.g., database as a service)
  • Privacy and integrity mechanisms for outsourcing
  • Foundations of cloud-centric threat models
  • Secure computation outsourcing
  • Remote attestation mechanisms in clouds
  • Sandboxing and VM-based enforcements
  • Trust and policy management in clouds
  • Secure identity management mechanisms
  • Cloud-aware web service security paradigms and mechanisms
  • Cloud-centric regulatory compliance issues and mechanisms
  • Business and security risk models and clouds
  • Cost and usability models and their interaction with security in clouds
  • Scalability of security in global-size clouds
  • Binary analysis of software for remote attestation and cloud protection
  • Network security (DOS, IDS etc.) mechanisms for cloud contexts
  • Security for emerging cloud programming models
  • Energy/cost/efficiency of security in clouds
  • mOpen hardware for cloud
  • Machine learning for cloud protection

CCSW especially encourages novel paradigms and controversial ideas that are not on the above list. The workshop has historically acted as a fertile ground for creative debate and interaction in security-sensitive areas of computing impacted by clouds.


9:00-9:10am Opening remarks

9:10-10:00 Keynote 1

Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the Age of Blockchains and Cloud Computing.

Haibin Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology)


10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-10:55 Session One


A Verifiable Multiparty Computation Solver for the Linear Assignment Problem (And Applications to Air Traffic Management)

Thomas Loruenser, Florian Wohner and Stephan Krenn


On Matrix Multiplication with Homomorphic Encryption

Panagiotis Rizomiliotis and Aikaterini Triakosia


10:55-11:45 Keynote 2

Cryptographic Protection of Random Access Memory: How Inconspicuous can Hardening Against the most Powerful Adversaries be?

Roberto Maria Avanzi (ARM)

11:45-1:15 Break Lunch


1:15-2:05 Keynote 3

Intel® HERACLES: Homomorphic Encryption
Revolutionary Accelerator with Correctness for Learning-oriented End-to-End Solutions

Rosario Cammorotta (Intel)


2:05-2:55 Keynote 4

Multi-Tenant Cloud FPGAs: Side-Channel Security and Safety

Aidin Aysu (North Carolina State University)


2:55-3:10 Break

3:10-4:00 Session Two

Contextualizing System Calls in Containers for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection

Asbat El Khairi, Marco Caselli, Christian Knierim, Andreas Peter and Andrea Continella

Detecting Anomalous Misconfigurations in AWS Identity and Access Management Policies

Thijs van Ede, Niek Khasuntsev, Bas Steen and Andrea Continella

Mitigating Threats Emerging from the Interaction b/w SDN Apps and SDN (Configuration) Datastore

Sana Habib, Tiffany Bao, Yan Shoshitaishvili and Adam Doupe


4:00-5:00 Panel

“The role of Open Hardware in Cloud Architectures"

5:00-5:10 Closing remarks



Important Dates

Submissions due: 22 July, 2022 (11:59pm anywhere in the world)
Author notification: 19 August, 2022
Camera-ready: 16 September, 2022
Workshop: 7 November, 2022


CCSW is soliciting full papers of up to 12 pages which will be judged based on the quality per page. Thus, shorter, high-quality papers are encouraged, and papers may be perceived as too long if they are repetitive or verbose. Submissions must be single PDF files, no more than 12 pages long in double-column ACM format (the sigconf template from, with a simpler version at, excluding the bibliography, well-marked appendices, and supplementary material. Note that reviewers are not required to read the appendices or any supplementary material. Authors should not change the font or the margins of the ACM format. Submissions not following the required format may be rejected without review. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Accepted papers will be published by the ACM Press and/or the ACM Digital Library.

Submissions must be anonymous, and authors should refer to their previous work in the third-person. Submissions must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Each accepted paper must be presented by one registered author. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk immediate rejection. For questions about these policies, please contact the chairs (

One best paper award will be presented during the workshop.

Proposals for panels are also solicited. The proposals are to be concise, up to 2 pages in length, describe the handled topics, name potential panelists and briefly scope the panel for CCSW. Disruptive and controversial panels are particularly encouraged. Please submit your panel proposals as a PDF by email to the PC chairs (

Please submit your papers



Marten van Dijk, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Netherlands
Francesco Regazzoni, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Nicolas Alhaddad, Boston University

Subhadeep Banik, University of Lugano

Erik-Oliver Blass, AirBus Group Innovations

Bogdan Carbunar, Florida International University

Anrin Chakraborti, Duke University

Fei Chen, Shenzhen University

Guoxing Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Joel Coffman, United States Air Force Academy

Sisi Duan, Tsinghua University

Frank Gürkaynak, Microelectronic Design Center, ETH Zürich

Chenglu Jin, CWI Amsterdam

Ghassan Karame, NEC Laboratories Europe

Alptekin Küpçü, Koç University

Hoda Maleki, University of Augusta

Paolo Palmieri, University College Cork

Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ulrich Ruhrmair, LMU Munich & University of Connecticut

Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, University of Calgary

Pierangela Samarati, Universitadegli Studi di Milano

Sean Smith, Dartmouth College

Anil Somayaji, Carleton University

Nikos Triandopoulos, Stevens Institute of Technology

Mayank Varia, Boston University

Gioros Vasiliadis, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas

Klaus von Gleissenthal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Meng Yu , Roosevelt University

Xiaokuan Zhang, George Mason University

Haibin Zhang, Shandong Institute of Blockchain

Michael Zohner, Hochschule Fulda



Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zurich
Emiliano De Cristofaro, University College London
Marten van Dijk, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Netherlands Kristin Lauter, Facebook
Radu Sion, Stony Brook University
Yinqian Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology (chair)


Interested in sponsoring CCSW (this or next year)? Please contact us directly.

Previous Workshops
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021.

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